Thank a Farmer Today!

Today I want to acknowledge and thank all Australian farmers.  Thank you for the food you put on our tables.  Thank you for the clothes on our back.  Thank you to all those farmers who make this possible.

Farmers are feeding our families everyday, and now forced to take a second job off-farm to feed their own family.  Thank you to those endless hours that are worked and those brief moments they get to spend time with their children.

Agriculture is our nations largest employer, with 1.6 million jobs provided in the agricultural supply chain.  Australian farmers are producing enough food to feed 60 million people.  We are the 6th most food secure nation in the world, producing 93% of our daily domestic food supply.  This is an enormous feat too which makes me proud.

Thank you has been ever so evident this year… with the widespread onset of drought, everyday Australians in both city and country, caring about farmers and the future of the agricultural industry.  We have seen so many people donate so much of their hard-earned money.  We have seen grocery food items and toiletry items donated to support farmers and the wellbeing of their entire families.  We have telephone support from charities ensuring the mental heath of our farmers are protected and supported.  The compassion that has been shown is overwhelming emotionally and the connections with new people so pertinent.

Farming is a family business so it does take a sacrifice from all.  Thank you to those farming families that work the land, care for the animals and create jobs that feed and clothe us everyday.  A farmers job is never done and will always be needed.  So to all the farmers who work in acres, not in hours… we thank you!

Take care, Karen

“The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.”

~ Will Rodgers


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