Personal Growth & Imperfections

That little phrase “personal growth” can be empowering but it can also make one feel a little anxious or uneasy.  To not explore what personal growth actually is, creates this endless search for happiness, clarity of mind, creative expression and a sense of inner calmness.

Personal growth or self-improvement is inspiring and will emerge if we just stop.  Stop searching and stop trying to be a better, calmer or nicer person and just allow our own mind to express itself.  To find that contentment within will enable us to be happier, more productive and efficient.

Perfection is a myth and an unrealistic goal.  I have always been a perfectionist in my life, which leads to disappointment, as perfection is an assumption of no faults and flawless results.  Perfection is not human and not what we should aspire to.  Sometimes we strive so hard for perfection that we forget that imperfection is happiness.  There would be no need for love in our lives if perfection was at all possible.

Our potential for growth, change and understanding is endless, by allowing our mind to reveal its true self.  By letting go of the past and the burden it holds upon us, as well as to set free the expectations of the future, the mind will open to the possibilities within.  Trust yourself… the answer lies within you… it is time to reveal the greatest version of yourself.  You are worth it!

Take care, Karen

“Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.”

~ Kim Collins

personal growth

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